Other notable apps

Some more apps that are worth checking out. Please let me know if you have any to add!

The blogger app makes it really easy to blog on the go. You can even blog offline and publish when you are in a wifi zone. There is an example of a blog made on an ipad here.


This is a great little app from the 2simple team that will help you build your EYFS profiles. 


Lino.it is another online resource that has been made into an app. Use sticky notes on a cork board in lots of different situations.


Here are some of your favourite apps from 2013


Create word clouds easily with this! 69p

Coveritlive is amazing! I saw it use for live writing (see @cherise_duxbury and @mbrayford for more details) so tried it myself. Check out here what happened. For more information, see here.

Socrative is a great little app that allows you to build your own voting or assessement for learning quizzes. It's going to make all those IWB voting tools redundant methinks ...


Do you use weebly for blogging? You can now do it on the go with the weebly app.


Watch a new featured movie every day with the brain pop app.


Google Earth just gets better and better. Get it on your ipad now!

Photofit me is a great little app that can be used in drama sessions when you need to catch a baddie!
